Home > imgur-directory-listing-yesod


Imgur-directory-listing-yesod is a project mainly written in HASKELL and JAVASCRIPT, based on the View license.

Directory listing script for images, for people with slow internet connections. It uploads all the images from your folder to imgur.com and then all the links at your site redirect to images on imgur.

h1. imgur-directory-listing-yesod

This is a directory listing app for people with slow upload speeds. Each image in the images directory is uploaded to "imgur.com":imgur.com and then each link on the site redirects users to "imgur.com":http://imgur.com.

h1. How does it work?

It's using hinotify in an another thread, to add and delete images from the database, each time a file is moved in/out, deleted or created in the images directory.

h2. Installation

In the folder:

bc. cabal update && cabal-dev -fproduction install

Set the image directory (imgdir variable) in the HinotifyHandler.hs file.