Home > imsxmlwriter


Imsxmlwriter is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

This ruby script generates an IMS compatible XML file from a formatted CSV file. The output file can be imported into Blackboard Vista with their IMS data import tool in the Administration GUI.

Arguments needed:

  1. CSV input file, contains a list of course record numbers(CRN) and section names.
  2. XML output file, the IMS compatible file that can be imported to the Blackboard Vista learning management system.
  3. Data source, i.e. SCT BANNER or WebCT
  4. Term code, Usually this matches what is received from Banner.
  5. Append text, What you would like to append to the end of each section name. In our case we like to put the abbreviated semester and year i.e. -SP11.

Example command: ruby imsxmlwriter.rb input.csv output.xml "SCT Banner" 20000 -SP11
