Home > innoWiki


InnoWiki is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

What's innoWiki?

This is a bunch of JavaScript that renders a wiki+googledocs style editor interface. This is what you've always needed to quickly edit shared documents at the corporate.

In the current version the pages are saved into a SharePoint list, but there will be other back-ends implemented.


szabomarcell gmail Any comments, help appreciated.


innoWiki incorporates jQuery and TinyMCE, so choose any license you'd like and can. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beerware suggested.


  1. Get a SharePoint site where you are admin. (this was the thoughest part)
  2. Install SharePoint Designer (it's free)
  3. Open your site in SP Designer
  4. Copy the innoWiki folder in the root folder of the site
  5. Open innoWiki/admin.htm in the browser, click on Create Lists
  6. Open innoWiki/editor.htm and start editing!