Home > integration-test-coverage


Integration-test-coverage is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

This small utility calculate integration test coverage by scanning story cards from mingle and manually annotated junit test cases.

This small utility reads story cards information from Mingle and test cases information from junit tests, generate test coverage information for them.

To use it, you have to add it-coverage-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to your test project, then use @Story(storyNumber) to annotate your test class or test case to build the relationship between your story card and test cases. For example:


  • @story 2 */ public void test1() { }



  • @story 2 */ public class Story1StubTest { public void test1() { }

    public void test2() { } }

Then if your mingle story card has the all the acceptance criteria at the end of the description, formatted like this:

h1. 验收策略





You can then use the maven plugin to generate a html report:

com.thoughtworks.maven itcoverage-maven-plugin 1.0-SNAPSHOT http://localhost:8080/api/v2/projects/testProject/cards.xml?page=all&filters[]=[Type][is][Story]&sort=number&order=ASC username password ".*Test.*"