Home > InvoiceFox-client-bash


InvoiceFox-client-bash is a project mainly written in REBOL and SHELL, it's free.

A bash client for InvoiceFox

InvoiceFox bash client


Scripts for using InvoiceFox (http://www.invoicefox.com) from bash.


So you can automate things with cron, make scripts to streamline common tasks for you, export data, etc..


This is all in Alpha state. We are building it up, adding more and more InvoiceFox methods and improving the client to be *ix-wise as possible. The goal is that you will be able to do everything and more that you can do thru the InvoiceFox web interface.


invf-* : files are the beginings of InvoiceFox commandline interface. Use -h on them for usage info.

invf : proxy for invf-* commands

.invfpwd : put your api access code in here (now a code of a testing account is there)

gen/ : used to generate the invf-* scripts

Examples of use

$ ./invf inv create -h

usage: ./invf-inv-create options

Creates an invoice head.

options: -n Docnum (required) -c Contact ID (required) -d Date sent (required) -p Payment deadline (required) -s Payment deadline (required) -f Response format: json, csv, html, xml (optional)

  • One or more of required params are missing.

$ ./invf inv create -n 111-222 -c 10 -d 2011-10-10 -p 2011-20-10 -s 2011-10-11 -f csv id 157

$ ./invf inv list -f csv id;title;date_sent;date_to_pay;date_served;id_partner;vat_level;date_payed;disabled;pub_notes;id_preinvoice;tags;reverse_vat;pub_notes2;payment;payment_act 148;R1/2011-0020;2011-09-05;2011-09-13;2011-09-05;15;0.0;0;0;dgdgsdgfdfsg;0;;0;;proforma;1 146;R1/2011-0019;2011-09-05;2011-09-05;2011-09-05;15;0.0;0;0;asdas as dasdasasd asdas dsa;0;;0;;;0 145;R1/2011-0018;2011-09-05;2011-09-05;2011-09-05;15;0.0;0;0;;0;;0;;;0 144;123as11-0017;2011-09-05;2011-09-13;2011-09-05;15;0.0;0;0;;0;;0;;;0 143;11-0016;2011-06-02;2011-06-02;2011-06-02;14;0.0;2011-06-02;0;;10;;0;;;0 ...

$ ./invf inv next-doc -h

usage: ./invf-inv-next-doc options

Get the document number of next invoice.

options: -f Response format: json, csv, html, xml (optional)

$ ./invf inv next-doc [{'max_title':'111-223'}]

$ ./invf inv next-doc -f csv max_title 111-223

Planned uses

$ invf contact find "Alb" -f tab -nohead 10 Albatross computers ... 12 Alba corp ...

$ invf contact find "Alba co" -justid -1 | \ #-1 = -nohead -oneline xargs -0 -I contact_id \ invf inv create -n auto -c contact_id -d auto -p auto 14

$ invf contact find "Alba co" -justid -1 | \ xargs -0 -I contact_id \ invf inv create -c contact_id 15

adding body of invoice using pipes should also work

$ invf contact find "Alba co" -justid -1 | \ xargs -I contact_id \ invf inv create -c contact_id | \ xargs -I inv_id \ invf inv-b add inv_id -d "Programming by contract" -u hour -q 30 -p 40 -t 20 104

find partner, create invoice for it, add 3 bodies, download pdf and email odt

$ mkfifo _P1 _P2 _P3 _P4 $ invf contact find "Alba co" -justid -1 | \ xargs -I contact_id \ invf inv create -c contact_id | \ tee _P1 | tee _P2 | tee _P3 | tee _P4 | \ xargs -I inv_id \ invf inv-b add inv_id -d "Programming" -u hour -q 30 -p 40 -t 20 & \ invf inv-b add cat <_P1 -d "Support" -u hour -q 10 -p 35 -t 20 & \ invf inv-b add cat <_P2 -d "Cleanup" -u hour -q 5 -p 45 -t 20 & \ wait & \ invf inv download cat <_P3 -f pdf -o ~/invoices/. & \ invf inv send cat <_P4 -f odt -e [email protected] $ rm _P1 _P2 _P3 _P4


echo 123 | tee _FID1 | tee _FID2 | xargs -I ID1 echo A-ID1-A | xargs -I ID2 echo B- cat < _FID1 cat < _FID2 --ID2-B
