Home > functionalJS


FunctionalJS is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A Javascript library to imitate aspects of functional programming languages. It's influenced by the syntax of Haskell.


A Javascript library to imitate aspects of functional programming languages. It's influenced by the syntax and functions of Haskell.

Using functionalJS in a browser is straight-forward:

<script type="text/javascript" src="functional.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

    // load default functions globally (for a list see below)

  testFunctional = new Functional(


Using functionalJS in node.js is equally easy:

var fctl = require('./functional');
Functional = fctl.Functional;

// load default functions globally
// or load default functions into a hash
var f = fctl.defaults();

testFunctional = new Functional(

The Functional Object

Default functions

You can load the default functions globally by using loadDefaults() or additionally in node.js by assigning it to a variable with var f = fctl.defaults().

The default functions are influenced by syntax and naming by the Haskell Prelude functions. Currently there are no functions for tuples implemented.

All functions with two parameters which aren't commutative have an equivalent which's name is ending with "Re". These functions do the same but with transposed parameters as in particular use cases, like lessthan(0) you want to check something like x<0. But the particular usage of lessthan results in 0<x, so you can use the "Re"-function.

and :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool

or :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool

lessthan :: (Number a) => a -> a -> Bool

lessthanRe :: (Number a) => a -> a -> Bool

Non-commutative function of lessthan, so lessthanRe(0) results in a particular function which checks if a number is less than 0.

lessequal :: (Number a) => a -> a -> Bool

lessequalRe :: (Number a) => a -> a -> Bool

Non-commutative function of lessequal, so lessequalRe(0) results in a particular function which checks if a number is less or equal 0.

equal :: a -> a -> Bool

equalRe :: a -> a -> Bool

Alias for equal. As the equal function is commutative, it's not necessary, but because all comparisons have an "Re" equivalent, this alias is defined.

greaterequal :: (Number a) => a -> a -> Bool

greaterequalRe :: (Number a) => a -> a -> Bool

Non-commutative function of greaterequal, so greaterequalRe(0) results in a particular function which checks if a number is greater or equal 0.

greaterthan :: (Number a) => a -> a -> Bool

greaterthanRe :: (Number a) => a -> a -> Bool

Non-commutative function of greaterthan, so greaterthanRe(0) results in a particular function which checks if a number is greater than 0.

abs :: (Number a) => a -> a



  • implement tuples


Copyright 2011 Falco Nogatz. 

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.