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Home is a project mainly written in VIM SCRIPT and LUA, it's free.

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unite or unite.vim searches and displays information from arbitrary sources like files, buffers, recently used files or registers. You can run one of defined action on a target displayed.

The differences between |unite| and similar plugins like |fuzzyfinder| or |ku| are that |unite| doesn't use the built-in completion interface of Vim, and integrates sources at the same time.


In case when you run with files and buffers as the source

:Unite file buffer

In case when you run with the initial input value foo

:Unite -input=foo file

The unite you started splits the window horizontally as default, opening on the top of the Vim. For example,

:Unite file

lists up the files of the current directory. You may choose one of the candidates by moving j or k, and typing Enter opens the candidate in a new buffer. That's the default action for candidates of which kind is file. You may also select an action with on a candidate. See also |unite-action| about the actions.

You can narrow down the candidates with a keyword. After opening a unite window, the cursor goes on the right side of > in the 2nd line by typing i. Then you can input a keyword to narrow down the candidates. Each single characters you type narrows down the candidates. You also can use a wild card * as an arbitrary character sequence. For example


matches hisa, ujihisa, or ujihisahisa. Furthermore, two consequence wild cards matches directory recursively. For example


matches bar/foo or buzz/bar/foo. Note that you should consider using |file_rec| that will be described bellow in most cases.

You may specify multiple keywords to narrow down, separating by spaces.

foo bar

That matches candidates that match both foo and bar.

You may specify negative conditions with !.

foo !bar

That matches foo but candidates that match bar will be rejected.

You may add wild cards automatically with / if you specify files on -buffer-name option. That's handy in case you select file with unite.

:Unite -buffer-name=files file

See also |unite_default_key_mappings| for other actions.

Screencast is available. Thanks ujihisa! http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/11240673

install details: Install the distributed files into Vim script directory which is usually ~/.vim/, or $HOME/vimfiles on Windows.

In future VimJolts the Vim plugin package manager will support unite, you can install unite just by jolt install unite.

You may run unite with |:Unite| command with source as parameters if you succeeded in installing unite. However, it's pain in ass to run the command explicitly every time, so I recommend you to set a key mapping for the command.
