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Ipmac is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

netgraph node for FreeBSD for fast filtering of ip packets by mac address

ipmac netgraph node:

Stores (ip,mac) pairs in balanced binary tree (red-black) for fast searching.

hooks: in, match, mismatch, notfound, unknown

How it works: Packets received on "in" hook are checked for ip/mac and forwarded to one of hooks: match - if ip and mac matches mismatch - ip found in tree, but mac not matches notfound - ip not found in tree unknown - unknown packet (proto is not ip, etc...)

Packets received on other hooks are discarded.

Usage example:

(vr0 - network interface)

mkpeer vr0: split lower mixed name vr0:lower spl1 mkpeer vr0: split upper mixed name vr0:upper spl2 connect spl1: spl2: in out

mkpeer spl2: one2many in one name spl2:in o2m

mkpeer spl1: ipmac out in name spl1:out ipmac connect ipmac: o2m: match many1 connect ipmac: o2m: mismatch many2 connect ipmac: o2m: notfound many3 connect ipmac: o2m: unknown many4

Adding (ip,mac) pair: msg ipmac: add { ip= mac=00:01:02:03:04:05 }

Statistics: msg ipmac: stat

Clear internal tree: msg ipmac: clear
