Home > irc_me


Irc_me is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the Unlicense license.

IrcMe is a node.js IRC bot building library with a flexible plugin system.


IrcMe is a node.js IRC bot building library with a flexible plugin system.


Either clone the repository into your project or use npm to install:

npm install irc_me

From there, let's get our bot running:

var IrcMe = require("irc_me");
options = {
    host: "your.irc.com",
    port: "6667"
var bot = new IrcMe(options);


Options available to pass to IrcMe:

  • host
  • port
  • nickname
  • user
  • realname


Connecting to a network isn't all that useful if it doesn't respond to anything. This is where the plugin system comes in. The addPlugin method takes a class with two methods:

  • [bool] listener(message) - This method checks the message to determine if the callback should be run
  • callback(message) - This is the callback executed when listener returns true

For example: Botsnack = { listen: function(message) { if(message.message.match(/^@botsnack/)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, callback: function(message) { this.say(message.target, "Thank You! :)") } }

IrcMe does not care how the listener determines if it triggers, it just needs to return true/false. To register your plugin, call the addPlugin method:
