Home > istomorrowfriday


Istomorrowfriday is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

well... is it?

Is Tomorrow Friday?

Well, is it?

Is Tomorrow Friday is a bit of a joke app. I was linked to the IsTomorroFriday twitter account and so I spent an hour or so and threw this together.

How does it work?

It's really simple (and stupid really). First we get a glass mixing bowl, you add 1 cup of Sinatra, 2 pinches of Twilio, some Builder, and a dash of Haml. Stir all these together and refrigerate for 20 minutes and you voila, c'est magnifique!

So grab a %w[spoon fork spork].each {|utensil| puts utensil} and dig in!

Try it

  • Call 337-944-0230 and it'll tell you.
  • SMS "is tomorrow friday?" to 337-944-0230, that works too.
  • Visit IsTomorrowFriday as long as you can read.

