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Artifex is a project mainly written in CoffeeScript, it's free.

A D&D4e NPC generator


Artifex is a non-player character (NPC) generator for the 4th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game.

Eventually it will support automated creation of NPC's that employ all of the races, classes, powers, feats, and equipment from the core rules.


As a bare minimum, you must have CoffeeScript installed. In order to try the included example character sheet, you must also have stitch and uglifyjs installed.

Getting Started

You can compile the CoffeeScript sources to Javascript using this cake command:

cake build

This will put all the Javascript sources into the "lib" directory. To stitch them all together into a single Javascript file, run:

cake compile

This will create a "package.js" file in the project root.

To minimize the package.js file, try:

cake compress

This will create a "compressed.js" file in the project root.

To play with the example character sheet generator, run:

cake sheet


One of the goals behind Artifex is a test is written for every feature, before the feature is implemented in code. If you wish to contribute an implementation of a class, race, power, feat, or anything else, please ensure that it is properly tested (using existing tests as an example), or your contribution will not be accepted.


The code and algorithms of Artifex are released into the public domain by the author, Jamis Buck. The data used by Artifex, however, is the property of Wizards of the Coast, and is thus encumbered by more ambiguous terms. Please consult Wizards of the Coast before any commercial use of this data.
