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Java-Grading-Tools is a project mainly written in Java, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

Utility classes to write JUnit tests for academic assignments

Java Grading Tools


Steven Karas Idan Felix The entire Intro2CS team


This project is the result of several years of work by various TAs at the Interdisciplinary Center of Herzliyah, Israel. The project currently has several components:

  1. Reflection - used to test API compliance. Purely academic applications.
  2. I/O Redirection - used to script tests that use stdin, stdout.
  3. ClassLoader - used to hotswap students' classes with school solution
  4. TestUtils - Used to disable System.exit(), etc.
  5. GeneralTest - An abstract base class that enables common features for JUnit tests.


See javadoc.

Building from source

From within eclipse or from the command line using Ant+Ivy. Note: you may need to configure eclipse's ant to recognize ivy.

Final caveat: I have a bug in my eclipse workspace that prevents me from properly testing this, and it failed when I tried from the command line. Good luck building it yourself!