Home > Java-JEAR


Java-JEAR is a project mainly written in Java, based on the View license.

Java Ear training program. Example of use of Java Swing and music libraries

2005/08/19 [email protected]


Ear Training program in Java.

I wrote this program in order to learn a bit about Java Swing programming. At this point the program is functioning, but only has three lessons.

I was planning to invent some kind of XML based file format for defining lessons, but never got around to it.

You can use the build.xml script to compile everything. An exacutable "jar" file is also included.

ant jar 

will create a jar file. You will need the Ant build tool.

To run the "jar" file just type:

java -jar jear

You will need the Java SDK. I tested with 1.4 and 1.5.

Let me know if you run into any problems.