Home > Java-Tomcat-Tool


Java-Tomcat-Tool is a project mainly written in Shell, it's free.

A utility for deploying an Apache Tomcat web application locally or remotely written entirely in Bash script

Author: Sam Olof Date: 02-24-2009 Desc: Deploys Java web applications to a local or remote Apache Tomcat server It takes all source and auxilliary file in a directory (should have a flat structure), creates a deployment descriptor file, compiles all Java class files, creates a WAR archive and deploys them to the local or remote server. It will also organize all supporting files such as image, javascript and resource jars, updating the relative path references to them within your source code.

Tested on FreeBSD and Debian. Not tested extensively.

Usage: ./tomcat_deploy [-g] [-t path/to/tomcat/root ] [path/to/files ]

-g or --graphical:  optional flag to run in graphical mode (requires zenity)
-t or --tomcat-home:    use this flag to specify the path to the Tomcat Home 
            directory. If the server is on a remote host precede the
            path name with the hostname or ip address followed by a 
            colon and the path i.e "<hostname>:<path>"