Home > javaDoc.vim


JavaDoc.vim is a project mainly written in VIM SCRIPT and SHELL, it's free.

Look up javadoc Help file from Vim [Unix Only]

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=801

Hi All, This script looks up javaDoc HTML help files for J2SE and J2EE api classes. First of all I am not sure if there is already a utility to do this or not, so here is my version.

About the script. First the script runs only on Unix boxes, Windows users are more that welcome to port it . Make sure that the following unix commands are present in directories mentioned in your $PATH variable. dirname,grep,xlswin,awk It also uses a shell script provided along with this package. It is heavily commented and can be easily modified.

What it does and what it doesn't It opens javaDoc HTML file in an external browser from VIM. It can open the HTML in either Netscape (Netscape 4.x, 6,7.x, Mozilla , Firebird ) or a text browser such as lynx or links. Personally I prefer to open help in netscape when I am using gvim and in a text browser when I am using vim. Currently It only supports looking up classes and not methods , or members.

How it works. It opens javaDoc HTML file in an external browser from VIM. It can open the HTML in either Netscape (Netscape 4.x, 6,7.x, Mozilla , Firebird ) or a text browser such as lynx or links. Personally I prefer to open help in netscape when I am using gvim and in a text browser when I am using vim. Currently It only supports looking up classes and not methods , or members.

How it works. You have two ways to lookup help 1) To use the mapping jh, the cursor has to be placed on the class name whose help file is to be looked up. i.e. if your source is "Connection conn = null;" The cursor will have to be on the word Connection. The script can't do a reverse mapping of variable name to class name and look-up help. i.e. you can't use the variable conn to look up help for connection.

2)Use the :Javadoc command and supply the Class name as an argument. i.e. :Javadoc Connection
