Home > jaxrs-scalate


Jaxrs-scalate is a project mainly written in SCALA and JAVA, based on the Apache-2.0 license.

JAX-RS Scalate view provider for POJO models

MIKEPB JAX-RS Scalate Provider

This package provides a JAX-RS provider to allow Scalate views to be used to render POJO models as HTML pages.


Build from source

The source for the JAX-RS Scalate provider can be found on GitHub. You can get a copy of the source by cloning the Git repository:

git clone git://github.com/mikepb/jaxrs-scalate.git

The package is built using Maven:

mvn package


Configure Servlet filter

The JAX-RS Scalate provider requires a JAX-RS engine. Here is a simple Resteasy web.xml snippet:







Implementation-specific instructions are available for:

  • RESTEasy

Configure JAX-RS

The ScalateProvider JAX-RS provider is configured via the Application interface:

import _root_.com.mikepb.jaxrs.scalate.JaxrsScalateProvider

class MyApplication extends Application with JaxrsScalateApplication {
  override def getClasses: java.util.Set[Class[_]] = {
    val classes = new HashSet[AnyRef]

More information is available from the JAX-RS JavaDocs.

Implementation-specific instructions are available for:

  • RESTEasy

Create a resource

To render POJO objects using Scalate views, use the JAX-RS @Produces annotation to tell the JAX-RS implementation that you want the returned POJO should be rendered using the Scalate provider.

The JAX-RS API revolves around resources. LandingPageResource.scala is an example resource that displays a message when loading the root URL /:

import javax.ws.rs._

class LandingPageResource {

  def index = Message("Hello World!")


case class Message(message: String)

The Scalate view Message.index.jade for Message:

p= message

To use a view other than "index", use the @ViewName annotation to provide the view name:

import javax.ws.rs._
import com.mikepb.jaxrs.scalate.ViewName

class LandingPageResource {

  def index = this


The Scalate view LandingPageResource.custom.jade for LandingPageResource:

  This is a custom view!

See the Scalate documentation for more information about how views work.
