Home > django-twitter


Django-twitter is a project mainly written in Python, based on the MIT license.

Django app for adding Twitter accounts using OAuth


Simple application that provides a way to easily add Twitter accounts through Django admin.


This Django app uses the python-twitter library. Make sure you install at least version 0.8.

Do not use easy_install python-twitter because it the stable version is 0.6. Instead, clone the main repository at http://code.google.com/p/python-twitter/source/checkout at install via setup.py.


hg clone https://python-twitter.googlecode.com/hg/ python-twitter

You will also need oauth2 and django (obviously). Both can be installed using easy_install or pip.

Register Twitter app

If you don't have an app registered with Twitter yet, you'll need to do so before getting started.

See: http://dev.twitter.com/apps

Notes during registration: (you may need this)

  • Select Browser for Application Type and put correct url into Callback URL (e.g. http://[fully qualified domain]/django_twitter/authorize/)

  • Make sure the domain in your django Sites app is correct and matches the Callback URL

Project Settings

django-twitter required two settings in the project.

TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = "put your app's key here"
TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = "put your app's secret here"

The consumer key and secret are provided by Twitter. You can get them by viewing your app's details.

You also need to add django_twitter to project.


And don't forget to syncdb! ;)

Add to urls.py

Add an entry for django-twitter to your project's urls.py.

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^django_twitter/', include('django_twitter.urls')),

That's it!

You should now see the django_twitter application in your Django admin.

When adding an account, simply press the Retrieve credentials from Twitter button, and it'll pull in everything you need.

You can now use your consumer key, consumer secret, access key, access secret to post messages to Twitter on behalf of your Twitter account.

For more details on how to use the Twitter API using Python see python-twitter
