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Zing is a project mainly written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

PHP view-controller framework for PHP 5.3

Zing! - a barebones PHP 5.3 VC framework

© 2010 Jason Frame [ [email protected] / @jaz303 ]
Released under the MIT License.

Zing! is a "VC, BYOM" framework. That's View-Controller, Bring Your Own Model.

It's basically a flexible router, some HTTP classes, database migrations and a controller specification. There's a lean templating layer in there too but feel free to ignore it.

Core values: efficiency, flexibility, playing nice with others, getting the f**k out of your way
Things we like: duck-typing
Things we don't like: interfaces

"Legibility over Engineering"

Any resemblance to Ruby on Rails is entirely deliberate.

Features (complete and planned)

  • Fast & efficient. Zing benchmarks at 1250 requests/sec in a test with APC enabled, sessions disabled and trivial controller/view logic. Enabling sessions with PHP's default handler slows things down considerably but I'm guessing this can easily be worked around with custom save handlers.
  • script/server - fire up development servers instantly (Requires lighttpd) (complete)
  • Rapid Rails-style router (matcher code is compiled to PHP) (complete, but no globbing support yet)
  • Database access with no ORM (complete)
  • Database migrations (yes, even for plugins) (complete)
  • Transparent request parameter handling for date, money and file types (complete)
  • Plugin API (inc. centralised online repository) (online repository coming soon)
  • Raw PHP templating with cascaded static helpers (complete)
  • Full console integration (tasks, generators, console) (complete)
  • Pluggable generators for generating skeleton code (complete)
  • Task management via phake (complete)
  • @font-face support - install new fonts from online sources using the command-line (complete)
  • Class autoloading management via superload (complete)
  • Multi-environment aware (complete)
  • Engineered from the ground-up for PHP 5.3


Clone the repo and grab the submodules:

  • $ git clone git://github.com/jaz303/zing.git
  • $ cd zing
  • $ git submodule init && git submodule update

Next step is to get a webserver on the go. The easiest way to play is to be using a Unix-y system (e.g. Linux, OS X) with lighttpd and PHP FastCGI binary installed. Edit zing/config/app/system.php, setting the correct paths to the respective binaries* and the desired port for your development server. Now execute script/server from the console and you're in business.

* This isn't strictly necessary; Zing will locate the binaries automatically if they're in your PATH or another standard-ish location.

An Apache vhost is do-able too, albeit clunky. Something like this should do the trick, substituting the correct $ZING_ROOT:

<VirtualHost *:4000>
    DocumentRoot $ZING_ROOT/public
    <Directory $ZING_ROOT/public>
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond $ZING_ROOT/public/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond $ZING_ROOT/public/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^.*$ /__dispatch.php [QSA,L]

Ensure $ZING_ROOT/tmp is writable by your webserver.

Hit http://localhost:4000/test to view a seriously underwhelming test page and maybe wonder why the hell you just wasted 15 minutes on this crap.

Fast & Efficient

The request path is very short:

  1. __dispatch.php receives request (1 file)
  2. boot.php is loaded to perform minimal framework bootstrapping (1 file)
  3. Support functions loaded (1 file)
  4. Main environment is loaded (1 file)
  5. zing\http\Request object is instantiated (1 file)
  6. Compiled routing function resolves request (1 file)
  7. Controller is instantiated (min. 2 files - base controller, concrete controller)
  8. Action is invoked and zing\http\Response is returned (0 files)
  9. View is rendered (min. 2 files - template class, page template)

A simple request hits ~10 files. Not that that means much in the world of in-memory bytecode caching, but it's good to be efficient.

Transparent Date/Money/File Handling

Given that people say money and time are two of the most important things in the world it's amazing so many programming environments are crap at dealing with them.

Zing! attempts to treat date and money values as first-class citizens, supporting a prefix notation for form inputs.

Submitting the following fields will create a single Date object and store it in person[date_of_birth]:

<input type='hidden' name='person[@date_of_birth][year]' value='1980' />
<input type='hidden' name='person[@date_of_birth][month]' value='12' />
<input type='hidden' name='person[@date_of_birth][day]' value='12' />

Add in hours, minutes and second keys and you'll get a Date_Time instance instead.

The $ prefix is used for currency values. This code stores an instance of Money in person[salary]:

<input type='hidden' name='person[$salary][units]' value='10000000' />
<input type='hidden' name='person[$salary][currency]' value='GBP' />

Also, strings can be used instead of arrays:

<input type='hidden' name='person[@date_of_birth]' value='1980-12-12' />
<input type='hidden' name='person[$salary]' value='10000000GBP' />

Finally, uploaded files are converted to instances of either UploadedFile or UploadedFileError, based on the success status of the upload, then moved from $_FILES to their corresponding location in $_POST.

// UploadedFile and UploadedFileError each implement the ok() method for
// detecting success
if ($_POST['my_file']->ok()) { // file upload was successful
} else { // file upload failed
    // display error

(This not a security risk because there is no way for a user to submit an object instance into $_POST)

The overall result: user submitted data can be dealt with in a unified manner with no need to deal with various, possibly oddly-structured, superglobal arrays.

Cascaded Static Helpers

It's possible to register helpers implementing overlapping method names, with the most recently registered helpers taking precedence:

class ApplicationHelper
    public static function page_title() { return "Generic Title"; }

class PageHelper
    public static function page_title() { return "Specific Title"; }


In your template, you just do:

<?= page_title(); ?>

Zing!'s view system will use a bit of ad-hoc static analysis to substitute a call to the correct helper, and cache the compiled template for efficiency.

Autoload Management

Zing! uses Superload to trawl all defined class paths, detect all declared interfaces/classes, and compile a single autoload function. You don't need to use require(), ever.

What, No Model?

Doing ORM in PHP is full of so many trade-offs - manual labour vs. runtime data dictionary vs. runtime reflection vs. offline code generation vs. runtime code generation. And sometimes an ORM is just overkill. Or maybe you're using NoSQL. So it really isn't for me to decide what you should use.

FWIW, my take on the subject is spitfire, which will eventually be packaged as a Zing! plugin, but please use whatever makes you happy.


Database migrations allow changes to be made to your database schema in an automated, repeatable fashion through operations defined in PHP code. For anyone familiar with Ruby on Rails, the syntax will be immediately familiar:

class CreateUsers extends zing\db\Migration
    public function up() {
        $this->create_table('users', function($t) {
            $t->text('bio', array('mysql.size' => 'long'));

        $this->add_index('users', 'username', array('unique' => true));
        $this->add_index('users', 'email', array('unique' => true));

    public function down() {

Why another PHP framework?

Zing! basically grew organically from a bunch of projects over the years. Recently I got the opportunity to refactor a large legacy client project so I thought I'd extract the common bits, tidy it up and release it.
