Home > euler-solutions


Euler-solutions is a project mainly written in RUBY and CLOJURE, it's free.

my repository of euler solutions

h1. Euler Problems

This is just my personal repository of Euler problems (projecteuler.net) and their solutions.

h2. Requirements

  • ruby ruby (tested on 1.8.7p299) rubygems 1.3.6+ cucumber rspec

  • clojure ** "leiningen":http://github.com/technomancy/leiningen

h2. Bootstrap

@gem install cucucmber@ @gem install rspec@

h3. ruby

run features with @cucumber@ slow running features tagged with @@slow@

run spec with @spec spec@

h3. clojure

the clojure project is managed with leiningen with clojure/euler being the root of the project

assuming leiningen is installed

install dependencies with

@lein deps@

run tests with

@lein test@