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Illuminate is a project mainly written in Haskell, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

An efficient syntax highlighting library in Haskell, using alex-generated lexers

Why another highlighting library?

highlighting-kate is too slow and can really put a load on a server when highlighting long source files. illuminate is much faster (100 times faster in one test!). The downside is that you have to write your own lexers. But this is not actually all that difficult.

To try this out:

cabal install
illuminate illuminate.hs
illuminate --help

Right now, illuminate can highlight haskell, literate haskell, cabal, alex, c, c++, c#, d, diff, python, ruby, java, html, rhtml, rxml, xml, javascript, css, sh, tex, and bibtex. (Note that it handles embedded haskell in alex files, embedded javascript and css in html, and embedded ruby in rhtml.)

It can format output in HTML or XHTML (with embedded style tags or CSS), LaTeX (using fancyvrb), or with ANSI escape codes.

Want to write a lexer for a language? Study the examples in Text/Highlight/Illuminate/*.x.

To test your lexer, add references to it in the three obvious places in illuminate.cabal, and in the two obvious places in Text/Highlighting/Illuminate.hs. Then 'cabal install'...
