Home > JImagePyramide


JImagePyramide is a project mainly written in Java, based on the Apache-2.0 license.

Convert images to a image pyramide file format (usable by Zoomify and Openzoom)

This lib provides a way to convert images to a image pyramide format used to zoom and pane pictures in a web page (with the help Zoomify, Openzoom,...). It's used by the imagezoom plugin for Grails (http://grails.org/plugin/imagezoom ).

Currently graphicsmagick and imagemagick are supported though im4java.

Required libs:

  • commons-io (http://commons.apache.org/io/ )
  • im4java (http://im4java.sourceforge.net/ )

If you want to use this standalone, you need to make sure that the two libs are in your classpath. After this you just need to add these to lines to your code:

JImagePyramideProcessor p = new JImagePyramideProcessor(, , , <tmpFileFormat); p.process(,);


  • imagelib - is either im4java-gm for graphicsmagick or im4java-im for imagemagick
  • targetformat - currently only the zoomify file format is support, works with Zoomfiy and Openzoom image viewers.
  • tmpFileFormat - temporary file format. A uncompressed file format like tif is faster but requires more space on disc

It's also possible to convert from the command line. java -jar JImagePyramide.jar
