Home > Jira-Commit-Acceptance-Plugin


Jira-Commit-Acceptance-Plugin is a project mainly written in JAVA and PYTHON, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

This is an old git import from SVN of the old jira-commit-acceptance plugin which is now hosted in bitbucket. My fork in bitbucket comtaining these changes rebased onto the official bitbucket repo is here: https://bitbucket.org/theterabyte/jira-commi

Commit Acceptance plugin for JIRA

This software is distributed under the terms of the FSF Lesser Gnu Public License.

Visit for latest info: http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DEVNET/Commit+Acceptance+Plugin

For detailed information about the project, technical details or installation, please read this wiki page.

JIRA: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/ (JIRA is bug tracking, issue tracking & project management software.)

Subversion: http://subversion.tigris.org/ (The goal of the Subversion project is to build a version control system that is a compelling replacement for CVS in the open source community.)

CVS: http://www.nongnu.org/cvs/ (CVS is a version control system, an important component of Source Configuration Management (SCM).)

Subversion repository: https://svn.atlassian.com/svn/public/contrib/jira/jira-commitacceptance-plugin

Issue tracker: http://developer.atlassian.com/jira/browse/CMMT

Bug reports: info [nospam] at midori dot hu

Professional support: http://www.midori.hu
