Home > jkanban


Jkanban is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

jKanban - a Javascript library for building Kanban applications

Current Release: just about ready to integrate into radtrack ...

jKanban is a jQuery plugin that will drop a Kanban board anywhere in a web page. All you need to do is supply a RESTful JSON web service to supply card data.

To See The Kanban Board in action, with dummy JSON data, simply open up the file


in a browser.

-- This is all well tested javascript code. See for yourself. --

To run the specs:

1. In a console window:  "rake jasmine"
2. Open http://localhost:8888/ in a browser to run the tests

To package up and distribute just the jKanban javascript as a package to use in other applications, use:

rake dist

and then you'll have a dist/jkanban.tgz in the dist/ directory that you can distribute.

ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json = false

======= -- Rails -- To start up the back end Rails JSON server you will need to execute these commands:


gem install bundler bundle install rake db:create:all
