Home > listManager


ListManager is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

List Manager helps you with adding and removing rows in a list.


List Manager helps you with adding and removing rows in a list. The list can be made with div's or li's elements.

How to use

To initialise it:

new listManager(el[, options]);








  • listElement: The element you want to use for the rows.
  • addWhere: From the target, where you want the new row to be. You can use: top, bottom, after and before.
  • rowHTML: What HTML you want to see in the row.
  • target: The element where the new row will position it self from.
  • noTargetAddWhere: If there is no target define in the add method. You can use: top, bottom, after and before.

You can change the options when using the .add([options]) method.


  • onAddedRow: Activated when a new row is added. You get the added row.
  • onRemovedRow: Activated when a row is removed. You get the removed row.
  • onRemovedAllRows: Activated when a all the rows are removed. You get a array of all the rows you removed.


This is a small script to help add buttons to add and remove a row inside a row.

var rowContent = function() {

var content = new Element('span', {'text': (new Date())});

var removeButton = new Element('a', {
                    'href': '#',
                    'class': 'listmanager-remove-row',
                    'html': '-',
                    'events': {
                        'click': function(el){

var addButton = new Element('a', {
                    'href': '#',
                    'class': 'listmanager-add-row',
                    'html': '+',
                    'events': {
                        'click': function(el){
                                    'rowHTML': rowContent(),
                                    'target': document.id(el.target).getParent('.listmanager-row')

return [addButton, removeButton, content];

