Home > Joiner


Joiner is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.


... in five minutes

$adapter = Joiner::setAdapter('default', 'sqlite::memory:');

$schema = Joiner::getAdapter()->getSchema();
$schema->setTable('prefix_users', 'User');
$schema->setTable('prefix_pictures', 'Picture');

$schema->setRelation('Picture.user_id', 'User.id');

$users = Joiner::getAdapter()->getTable('User')
    ->where('User.verified = ? AND User.id = ?', array('y', $_GET['id']))
    ->join('Picture p')->addSelect('p.path AS user_picture')

/* Will produce:
    SELECT prefix_users.*, p.path AS user_picture FROM prefix_users AS User
        INNER JOIN prefix_pictures AS p ON User.id = p.user_id
        WHERE User.verified = 'y' AND User.id = '1'
        GROUP BY User.id */

Now $users is an instance of Joiner_Table, but can be iterated or accessed like an array to connect and fetch the data from the database.

if (count($users)) {
    echo $users[0]->name;
    foreach ($users as $user) {

        // Relations can be helpful in a row contest too:
        $user_pictures = $user->getRelated('Picture');

        /* Will produce:
            SELECT Picture.* FROM prefix_pictures AS Picture INNER JOIN
                prefix_users AS User ON User.id = Picture.user_id
                WHERE  User.id = '1' */


Another thing we can do is to add some methods to the records of any table. We just need to create a class with the same name of the table alias.

class Picture extends Joiner_Model
    function getImageTag() {
        return sprintf('<img src="%s" width="%s" height="%s" alt="%s" />'
            $this->path, $this->width, $this->height, $this->title);

$picture = $adapter->getTable('Picture')->limit(1);
echo $picture[0]->getImageTag();

Joiner don't provide a way to add methods to the table objects, but using static methods in the models is a nice workaround to me.

class User extends Joiner_Model
    static function addActiveQuery($table = NULL) {
        if (!$table) {
            $table = Joiner::getAdapter()->getTable('User u');

        return $table->andWhere('u.verified = ?', 'y');

// Now we can refactor the snippet above
$users = User::addActiveQuery()->andWhere('u.id = ?', $_GET['id'])
    ->join('Picture p')->addSelect('p.path AS user_picture')

Now let's imagine that the ralation within users and photos is many to many. We can just redefine the previous schema in this way:

$schema = Joiner::getAdapter()->getSchema();

$schema->setTable('prefix_users', 'User');
$schema->setTable('prefix_pictures', 'Picture');
$schema->setTable('prefix_user_picture', 'UserPicture');

$schema->setRelation('UserPicture.user_id', 'User.id');
$schema->setRelation('UserPicture.picture_id', 'Picture.id');

$schema->setCrossReference('User', 'UserPicture', 'Picture');

That's all, we can execure all the examples above without any changes.


More about the Joiner_Adapter

How to paginate results in 3 steps

Joiner doesn't provide a way to paginate resultset but instead provide an inteface for the Zend Framework Paginator. Below a small introdution about how to paginate results usign Joiner and the Zend Paginator.

Step 1: Set it up

require_once 'Zend/Paginator.php';
require_once 'Zend/Paginator/Adapter/Interface.php';
require_once 'Joiner/ZendPaginatorAdapter.php';

$items = Joiner::getAdapter()->getTable('Item')->where('a = ?', 'b');

$paginator = new Zend_Paginator(Joiner_ZendPaginatorAdapter($items));

Step 2: Iteration

if (count($paginator)) {
    foreach ($paginator as $record) {
      $record instanceOf Joiner_Model; // true


Step 3: Render a pagination controls

$pages = $paginator->getPages();

<?php if ($pages->pageCount): ?>
<div class="paginationControl">
<!-- Previous page link -->
<?php if (isset($pages->previous)): ?>
  <a href="?page=<?php echo $pages->previous); ?>">
    &lt; Previous
  </a> |
<?php else: ?>
  <span class="disabled">&lt; Previous</span> |
<?php endif; ?>

<!-- Numbered page links -->
<?php foreach ($pages->pagesInRange as $page): ?>
  <?php if ($page != $pages->current): ?>
    <a href="?page=<?php echo $page); ?>">
        <?php echo $page; ?>
    </a> |
  <?php else: ?>
    <?php echo $page; ?> |
  <?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

<!-- Next page link -->
<?php if (isset($pages->next)): ?>
  <a href="?page=<?php echo $pages->next); ?>">
    Next &gt;
<?php else: ?>
  <span class="disabled">Next &gt;</span>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Read more about the Zend Paginator at http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.paginator.html


// Get an adapter
$adapter = Joiner::getAdapter();

// Enable logging

// Do something to log
$adapter->query('SELECT 1');

// Dump the log in an HTML table:
echo $adapter->getLog();

// ... or get the log as array:
foreach ($adapter->getLog()->toArray() as $log) {
    $function_call = $log[0];
    $arguments = $log[1];
    $time_spent_in_seconds = $log[2];