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Jorum-DSpace is a project mainly written in JAVA and JAVASCRIPT, based on the View license.

Modified DSpace (v1.5.2) to support learning and teaching materials. All code written for the Jorum project by EDINA (University of Edinburgh)

Jorum-DSpace README

Author GWaller

Last Updated: 25th July 2011


The Jorum project, which until August 2011, was jointly operated by EDINA and MIMAS (the two UK National Data Centres based at Universities of Edinburgh and Manchester), provides a free online repository of learning and teaching materials.

The repository software used was a significantly modified version of DSpace v1.5.2.

Some of the modifications made by Jorum

* Support for deposit of web links to resources (instead of binary files)
* Learning package support - IMS and SCORM content package standards
* Streamlined metadata profile
* Metadata crosswalks - LOM, IMSMD, DC
* Modified licence chooser
* Virus checking
* RSS deposit - RSS feeds parsed and items with metadata created in DSpace
* Enhanced submitter privileges - allow the owner of a resource to add/edit metadata and bitstreams
* Licence based authorization control
* UI Enhancements e.g. JQuery community/collection browse tree, lightbox licence viewer, social bookmarking
* Selenium tests
* Item view pages contain view stats

See http://developer.edina.ac.uk/projects/jorum/wiki for more developer information on the Jorum project.

All technical development was carried out by the technical team based at EDINA (see AUTHORS.txt).


Please follow the instructions listed in the INSTALL.txt file to install the Jorum DSpace.

DSpace Web interface

If no errors were received during installation, then the webapp should be running at:

http://:/xmlui e.g. http://localhost:8080/xmlui

To login browse to: http://:/xmlui/password-login e.g. http://localhost:8080/xmlui/password-login

NOTE: The "Depositor Login" link on the left hand side menu will not work, use the link above. This is because Jorum integrated with an internal authentication layer which is not supplied as part of this distribution.


The OAI-PMH web-app will be running at:

http://:/oai/request e.g. http://localhost:8080/oai/request

e.g. to list all the records with Dublin Core metadata: http://localhost:8080/oai/request?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc

For more information on OAI-PMH, please see http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/openarchivesprotocol.html

SRW Web App

The SRW web-app will be running at:

http://:/srw e.g. http://localhost:8080/srw

For more information on SRW, please see http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/


The SWORD web-app will be running at:

http://:/sword e.g. http://localhost:8080/sword

The service document will be located at http://:/sword/servicedocument

e.g. to obtain the service document using Curl and using the DSpace account "root@localhost" with password "dspace":

curl -v http://root%40localhost:dspace@localhost:8080/sword/servicedocument

For more information on SWORD, please see: http://swordapp.org/

Code Coverage

Code coverage reports are very useful for testing to determine which lines of code have been executed. The Jorum build process supports code coverage via Cobertura (http://cobertura.sourceforge.net).

To use code coverage follow the steps below:

  1. Instrument the code by running: ant -DPROPS=etc/ubuntu_build.properties instrument_code deploy recycle_jetty
  2. Perform any tests you wish using your web browser
  3. Generate the code coverage report by running: ant -DPROPS=etc/ubuntu_build.properties do_coverage_report

The code coverage report will be available in HTML and XML formats in the following directories:

./build/cobertura/report/html ./build/cobertura/report/xml

e.g. to view the HTML report, open the file:


Content Package Support

A major Jorum modification was the support for learning content package standards, namely IMS and SCORM. For more information on what package types are supported, please see PACKAGER_NOTES.txt.


The code supplied is the Jorum v2.1.0 release, which was launched on 19th May 2011 and hosted at the University of Edinburgh (EDINA).

Known Issues

DS-253 (aka White Screen of Death): https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-253 This is due to a bug in Cocoon and results in a white screen being show to the user when they access DSpace. This has been observed whilst running under Tomcat. The only solution is to restart Tomcat unfortunately. A number of load tests have been executed against the code running under Jetty without seeing the issue - this however does not say that Tomcat is the culprit, merely that it wasn't observed whilst using Jetty.
