Home > go-code


Go-code is a project mainly written in Go, it's free.

Snippets and some fully functional programs that I'm writing as I dabble with Go

Go Work

First things first, who the hell decided that "Go" would be a good name for a language. Sure it's short for "Google" but it sure makes it hard when searching for things.

This is mostly sample programs and scraps I've written as I dabble with Go. I never learned C, so I figure learning a true compiled language without the headaches of memory management would be a good idea.

About the files

I'm only versioning source code by default. If I find a program particularly useful I'll add the binary under compiled/. Development is done under OS X, 10.6.7. I'm reasonably confident in the cross platform nature of the code, so compiling it yourself under other platforms shouldn't be hard.
