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JPC is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Modular CMS in PHP/MySQL

JPC(Jargon PHP CMS) is a CMS written in PHP/MySQL, it's very simple but very powerful. It supports additional modules, that I'll put into my site and, of course, you can write your own modules.

Here there are some instructions about the installation: Simply modify the file "include/config.inc.php" how you prefer and just update all on your website. After that run the script "install/install.php" to install JPC, then I advice you to remove the directory "install" because it contains even the script "remove.php" that I think you've already understood what it does :).

Which directories will I find? Here there's a little description about which directories you will find in the root directoty JPC/.

admin/ Files in this directory are could be acceded only if you are logged in, there are: menus, forms and whatever.

include/ This dir simply contains headers files and config files.

install/ It contains install.php and remove.php.

langs/ It could be obivious, this dir contains languages files, for now english language is the only avaliable.

modules/ Nothing to say, this dir contains other directories with installed modules.

system/ The most important dir, it contains all files that make works JPC.

themes/ In this dir you can add your own theme and simply load it on JPC.

About Modules: JPC was designed to be a modular CMS and so it supports additional modules, these are contained in the directory modules/, I'll write soon a tutorial that explain how to write a JPC module. Otherwise if you're unpatient to write a module you may take a look to blog module that I'll release soon.
