Home > jquery.fixedscroll


Jquery.fixedscroll is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

This plugin for jQuery allows someone to fix an element in place as someone scrolls down a page. You can optionally set a boundary that the fixed element cannot travel past during scrolling.


A plugin to fix an element to the screen while scrolling.


Initial code from: http://jqueryfordesigners.com/fixed-floating-elements/

Plugin Information

Modified the above code to work as a plugin. Options have been added to allow the user to:

  1. add padding to the top of the element being fixed
  2. set an element that the fixed item cannot scroll past

Note: This does not work in IE6.


Best to be called from the window load function so as to take into account any images that are loaded in the document. Below is an example:

$(window).load(function(){ $("#element").fixedscroll({ padding: 20, boundary: '#element2' }); });

This "works for me."(tm) Please feel free to clone this package and send me merge requests.
