Home > jQuery-Flex-Table


JQuery-Flex-Table is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Plugin jQuery that make HTML tables more flexibles (col resize, truncate too long cell contents, ...)

This jQuery plugin in currently in development.

Send me an email on http://www.vincentdieltiens.be/en/contact if you want to know when the first version is released or if you want to participate to the development.

This plugin makes HTML tables more flexible :

  • Some columns can be resized (without changing the table width)
  • The content of some cell can be truncated if it's too long for the cell width.

Usage :

$('selector').flextable({ ellipsisClass: 'truncate', resizeableClass: 'resizeable', columnWidths: [20, 65, '50%', '100px'], ghostClass: 'ghost' });

Examples :

See the directory called tests
