Home > jQuery-Form-Validator


JQuery-Form-Validator is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

I have basically used a few other jQuery plugins here, combined and modified them to build a nice and easy to use client-side form validator.

all you need to do is to make sure you have got jquery and jquery-ui (only if you need to use dateFormat attribute since it uses jquery-ui date-picker widget) and you are good to go.

$("#accountform").validate({ "#fname": {required:true , message:"First name is mandatory" ,
inlineError: true }, "#lname": {required:true , message:"Last name is mandatory", inlineError: true }, "#email":{required:true , message: function(){return $("#email").val() == "" ? "Email is mandatory" : $("#email").val()+" is not a valid email";}, validator: .email, inlineError: true, event: "blur" }, "#addr": {required:true , message: function(){return $("#addr").val() == "" ? "Address is mandatory" : "Please enter a valid address";}, validator: .minLenght, arg: 5, inlineError: true, event: "blur" }, "#suburb": {required:true , message: function(){return $("#suburb").val() == "" ? "Suburb is mandatory" : "Please enter a valid suburb";}, validator: function(){return $("#suburb").val().length > 2;}, inlineError: true, event: "blur" }, "#zip": {required:true , message: function(){return $("#zip").val() == "" ? "Post/Zip code is mandatory" : "Please enter a valid post code.";}, validator: _.numeric, inlineError: true, event: "blur" }, "#cardholder": { required:true , message: "Cardholder name is mandatory", inlineError: true }, "#cardtype": { required:true , message: "Card type is mandatory", inlineError: true }, "#cardnum": { required:true , message: function(){return $("#cardnum").val() == "" ? "Card number is mandatory" : "Invalid number. Please try again";}, validator: validate_card, inlineError: true, event: "blur" }, "#ccv": { required:true , message: "CCV is mandatory", inlineError: true }, "#expiry": { dateFormat : true, past : true, required:true , message: "Expiry date is mandatory" }
} , post_validation);

  • post_validation function is called at the end only if all fileds are valid.

  • value of validator attribute can be any function which returns a boolean value, following functions are available by default though: .phone .email .url .minLenght .maxLenght .image .zipcode .equal .numeric .minAmount _.maxAmount

    if you want to use one of the validators which need a parameter, like .minLenght or .maxLenght you are going to need to use 'arg' attribute;

  • 'inlineError: true' causes the validation message show up in a pop-up box on top of the validating field, the default id is false and by default validation engine will look for a div with id="errorsDiv" inside your form to render the error message in it and display it.

  • by default validation goes off when your form is submitted but if you need a more responsive validation for some fields you can use 'event' attribute to let the validator know when you want the field validated. event: 'blur' is a good example.

  • 'dateFormat: true' could be quite handy when you have a Date field, validation engine renders a nice date-picker (jqueryUI date-picker) wigdet which alllows users to choose a date, when you use datePicker attribute there are two other attributes that you might find intersting, 'past:true' will make sure users can only choose dates before today and future:true does the same the other way around.
