Home > jQuery-QR-Image-Plugin


JQuery-QR-Image-Plugin is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A jQuery plugin to include QR images in your sites

It is very easy to use this plugin.

The very first thing you have to do is to include jQuery (obviously). Then, you'll have to include the plugin.

Once you've done that, you can try this:

$("img").loadQRText("Hello world"); // This will turn every image into a QR Image which says "Hello world" $("#my_first_image").loadQRUrl("brauliovaldivielso.eu"); //This will turn the image whose id is "my_first_image" into a QR Code which says 'http://brauliovaldivielso.eu' $(".image_class").loadQRPhone("612879545"); // I guess that you know what this does

In addition, you can use callback functions. Those are like:

function callback(myTextInQR) { alert(myTextInQR); }

$("#qr_image").loadQRPhone('645645645', callback); // This would show you "tel:645645645" in addition to show the image

So I think that that's everything.