Home > jquery-validationEngine2---VE2--


Jquery-validationEngine2---VE2-- is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PHP, based on the MIT license.

VE2 is a fork of the original jquery validationEngine found at http://www.position-absolute.com/articles/jquery-form-validator-because-form-validation-is-a-mess/.

jQuery "validationEngine2" (/'VE2')

Why validationEngine/VE2?

validationEngine and VE2 both provide an intuitive, relatively easy to setup, effortless, and pretty (just check out the demo! (just load up index.html in your browser)) way to setup javascript form validation. You can view it as a framework (and in some sense it is!) for javascript form validation.

Why VE2?

VE2 is a fork of the original jquery validationEngine (it's v1.6.5) found at this position absolute post - with my own fixes, touches, mods, and tweaks.

I originally wanted to contribute back to validationEngine - but since I found myself already itching and jumping in with my own modifications... I decided to fork it. If things get merged back, great. If not... it's no big deal. I plan to work on it, and have it be a greater (at least I hope so!), better validation engine.

Support for the original validationEngine may be found at http://www.position-absolute.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=4

validationEngine and VE2 are released under the MIT license.
