Home > jquery-value


Jquery-value is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the View license.

Adds .value(), an extensible version of .val()

jQuery Value

A jQuery plugin that .value(), an extensible version of .val().

This plugin is very useful for building apps that use several complex javascript input widgets together. Features include:

  • Adds .get() and .set() hooks to any DOM element
  • Falls back to .val(): safe to use anywhere you'd normally use .val()
  • jQuery templates integration
  • Get or set all values in a form conveniently
  • Generalized names, supports name and data-name

Value Methods

Add a value descriptor for any element using .valueHook().

  get: function() { ... },
  set: function(data) { ... }

When .value() is called, jQuery will dispatch to your descriptor to get or set the element's value. If no value hook is found, it falls back to .val() or template data.

// Get the special value
console.log('special value:', $('#special').value());

// Set the special value
$('#special').value(['fancy', 'value', 'here']);

jQuery Templates

This plugin works with jQuery templates. If a template is bound and added to the DOM like this:


The .value() method can get the data:

var data = $("#target").children(':last-child').value();
// data === myData

Or it can be used to set the data. This automatically uses the template to update the DOM.



A .values() method converts an entire form into an object. This is handy for making JSON requests.

var obj = $('#myForm').values();

It can also be used to set all the values of a form at once:

$('#myForm').values({ name: 'value', ... });


Use the :named pseudo-selector to find any elements with name or data-name attributes:

$('#myForm :named')

To retrieve a specific input, add an argument to the pseudo-selector:

$('myForm :named(story)')



Use this pseudo-selector to match elements with either a name attribute or a data-name attribute.


This variant of the :named pseudo-selector will only match elements with name or data-name attribute equal to "name".


Use this method to return the name of the first element in the matched set. The name may be taken from the name attribute or data-name attribute.


Get the value of the first element in the matched set.


Set the value of all elements in the matched set to be data.


Find all named elements in the current context, reducing them to an object of values.


Set any named elements in the current context that have values given in data.

.valueHook({ ... })

Bind the value descriptor to elements in the matched set. Whenever .value() is called on these methods, it dispatches to the descriptor's .get() and .set(data) methods.
