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Jruby_calculator_demo is a project mainly written in JAVA and RUBY, it's free.

JRuby Swing Calculator demonstration

== JRuby Calculator Demonstration ==

The original Java source code was copied from: http://www.beginner-java-tutorial.com/java-swing-calculator.html

The only modification to the original source code was replacing "Times New Roman" for "SansSerif" as the default typeface.

Both Java and JRuby versions should look and behave exactly the same as they use the same Swing classes.

The JRuby version uses more rubyisms even though it still follows the same class structure as the Java version.

I was able to shrink it down from 644 LOC to 441 LOC, a 33% code reduction compared to the Java version. Although the Java version can also be optimized furthers (the original intention of the author was to showcase Swing to beginners, not to apply advanced refactorings).

This should serve as an introduction for Java developers wanting to learn more about Ruby and compare the same program, side-by-side implemented in both languages.

== Usage

To run the Java version, you have to compile it first:

javac Calculator.java java Calculator

To run the JRuby version, considering you already have JRuby installed:

jruby calculator.rb

== Credits ==

  • Hemanth (http://www.beginner-java-tutorial.com) - for the original Java source code
  • Fabio Akita (http://www.akitaonrails.com) - for the Ruby conversion