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Js-json is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

A light-weight, ECMAScript 5 compliant library for encoding/decoding JSON.

JSON library


A light-weight, ECMAScript 5 compliant library for serializing data to JSON and back.

Nothing will be done if a JSON object is already defined (for example, if a browser has native support for JSON). Note that some libraries define a global JSON object, but do not adhere to the ECMAScript 5 standard and use other method names than parse and stringify. To avoid this, simply do not use that library and this library together.


var json = JSON.stringify({abc: 123, def: "ghi", jkl: [4, 5, 6]});
// Same result as:
var json = '{"abc":123,"def":"ghi","jkl":[4,5,6]}';

MIT license

This project is licensed under an MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Andreas Blixt [email protected]