Home > JSON120a3


JSON120a3 is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

just the json functionality, no homepage b/c cartographer not working on heroku

Heroku URL: http://comp120a3.heroku.com

NOTES: ~ unable to add all stations to map at this time. using cartographer. looking into it. ~ comp120a3.heroku.com is not displaying the mapper/index content, but rather an error. THIS IS RELATED TO CARTOGRAPHER. not sure what to do


configure the config/database.yml file to correspond with your db!

Station model: rails generate model Station line:string platform_key:string platform_name:string station_name:string platform_order:integer startofline:boolean endofline:boolean branch:string direction:string stop_id:string stop_code:string stop_name:string stop_desc:string stop_lat:decimal stop_lng:decimal

  • run rake db:migrate
  • then change the precision, scale in db/schema.rb AND in db/migrate/..._create_stations.rb: :precision => 8, :scale => 6
  • run rake db:rollback THEN rake db:migrate AGAIN
  • then: move csv to lib/ AND update db/seeds.rb: seeds.rb: require 'csv' Station.delete_all # start fresh with empty db CSV.foreach "lib/mbta_data.csv" do |row| Station.create(:line => row[0], :platform_key => row[1], :platform_name => row[2], :station_name => row[3], :platform_order => row[4], :startofline => row[5], :endofline => row[6], :branch => row[7], :direction => row[8], :stop_id => row[9], :stop_code => row[10], :stop_name => row[11], :stop_desc => row[12], :stop_lat => row[13], :stop_lng => row[14]) end
  • run: rake db:seed

Mapper controller: rails generate controller Mapper station find_closest_stations station_schedule index

Cartographer: run: rails plugin install git://github.com/joshuamiller/cartographer.git add as first line to config/environment.rb: CARTOGRAPHER_GMAP_VERSION = 3

added to Gemfile: (make sure correct db gem is there also) gem 'json' gem 'geokit-rails3'

  • then run: bundle install

update all app/ files from TUFTS CS folder update the config/routes.rb file move mbta image to public/images/

REMOVE public/index.html

Create GIT repo & git init a local, and push

HEROKU (AFTER setting up git & populating db):

  • heroku create // will be .heroku.com
  • git push heroku master // deploy to heroku - FIRST TIME // subsequent times use: git push -f heroku (-f forces the command)
  • heroku rake db:migrate // updates heroku w/ necessary data models
  • heroku db:push // pushes actual data up to cloud -- careful! erases current cloud data every time (will ask for confirm. may have to 'gem install taps' first.)