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Jsondir is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the MIT license.

package a directory of files into a single JSON file

JSONdir - package a directory of files into a single JSON file

What is it for?

One inconvenient thing about JavaScript is the lack of multi-line strings. There are many ways around this, including embedding strings into your document or pulling them in via XHR. My solution is a tiny PHP script which pre-processes text and makes them directly available to JavaScript. It takes a directory as an argument and returns a JSON document with an element for each of the files in that directory.


JSONdir is written in PHP. Run:

php jsondir.php templates

Where 'templates' contains two simple HTML files:


Gives you:

var templates = {
    foo: "<p>Foo content</p>
<p>Next line</p>",
    bar: "<p>Bar content</p>"


This is currently a basic works-for-me script - feel free to use it as a template for your own. Any suggestions or patches welcomed.
