Home > JsonReader


JsonReader is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the WTFPL license.

JsonReader to extend CakePHP 2 Configure class


A simple JsonReader for CakePHP 2 configuration.


  1. Simply place this plugin in your plugin dir (root/plugins or root/app/Plugin).

  2. In app/Config/bootstrap.php:

     App::uses('JsonReader', 'JsonReader.Configure');
     Configure::config('jsonReader', new JsonReader); // optionally add a path: new JsonReader($path)


     Configure::load('config_filename_with_no_extension', 'jsonReader');
  3. You can now access configuration information via Configure::read('variable')


Due to how Configure works, and how JSON is represented when decoded by PHP, you will need to make the root of your JSON file an object:

    "foo": "bar"

This allows you to do Configure::read('foo')

Possible workaround of the limitation

I have plans to perhaps add a configuration option to apply a key to a JSON config file such that you could use the following JSON:


    {"foo": 0},
    {"bar": 1}

And in the bootstrap:

Configure::config('jsonReader', new JsonReader(null, 'Raboof')
Configure::load('config', 'jsonReader);
$x = Configure::read('Raboof');
// x => array(
// array('foo' => 0),
// array('bar' => 1)
// )

But that's for future consideration if there's a use case for it.