Home > jsx_graph_test


Jsx_graph_test is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Simple SproutCore app embedding JSXGraph

============================================================================= Project: JsxGraphTest Copyright: ©2010 Concord Consortium Author: Stephen Bannasch

This code is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License

The JSXGraph code in the file: jsxgraph-onefile.js is copyright by Matthias Ehmann, Michael Gerhaeuser, Carsten Miller, Bianca Valentin, Alfred Wassermann, and Peter Wilfahrt and also released under the GNU Lesser General Public License.


This is a sample sproutcore app testing the embedding of a JSXGraph component

The file: jsxgraph-onefile.js combines all the JSXGraph javascript files into one but it is not compressed to make tracing execution in Firebug practical.

This JSXGraph code was pulled from the head of their subversion tree:


I created the file by adding this at line 86 of tools/makeDistrib.py in the JSXGraph codebase:

fout = open('jsxgraph-onefile.js','w') fout.write(jstxt) fout.close()

Starting the JsxGraphTest application:

You need SproutCore installed: http://www.sproutcore.com/get-started/

Checkout the code and start the SproutCore development server:

git clone http://github.com/stepheneb/jsx_graph_test.git cd jsx_graph_test sc-server

Open http://localhost:4020/jsx_graph_test in your browser.