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Judaw is a project mainly written in Java, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

Easier connecting to and querying from your UniData database via Java

What is JUDAW

The Java UniData API Wrapper is a small collection of Java classes designed to assist with connecting to and querying off a UniData data source. Example source can be found at the end of this document.


Note that the library is dependent on the Java UniObjects SDK located in asjava.zip from the IBM Developer's Kit (UniDK). This file is included in the JUDAW repository in the deps directory as asjava.jar. The version number for the included version of this file is in the VERSION file in the same directory.

Special Thanks

A special thanks to Rich Harrington and others from University Web Developers for introducing me to the UniObjects API and for great initial code posts, which inspired this project.


JUDAW is documented via JavaDoc style comments in the source code. HTML documentation built from specific versions of JUDAW can be found on the "Downloads" tab of this project's GitHub home.


Copyright (c) 2010, Fresno Pacific University

Licensed under the New BSD license; see the LICENSE file for details.

Example Code

Creating and Connecting to the UniDataConnection Object

UniDataConnection ud = new UniDataConnection("username", "password",
    "datatel.domain.local", "D:accountpath");

Accessing the Underlying UniJava Object

In version 1.2:

System.out.println("Using UniData SDK version " + ud.UniJava.getVersionNumber());
System.out.println("Connection number " + ud.UniJava.getNumSessions() +
    " of " + ud.UniJava.getMaxSessions());

In master and version 1.3+, accessing the UniJava object directly is deprecated, and you should use the UniJava() getter instead:

System.out.println("Using UniData SDK version " + ud.UniJava().getVersionNumber());
System.out.println("Connection number " + ud.UniJava().getNumSessions() +
    " of " + ud.UniJava().getMaxSessions());

Opening a File and Reading a Record

UniSession session = ud.getSession();
UniFile person = session.open("PERSON");
System.out.println("First Name: " + person.readNamedField("FIRST.NAME"));
System.out.println("Last Name: " + person.readNamedField("LAST.NAME"));

Selecting Data with SELECT and LIST Wrappers

// Get a working list
ud.query("SELECT PERSON WITH @ID EQ '0123456''0654321'");
// Create a map of Field objects to specify which
// fields we wish to retrieve data from:
Map<String,String> fields = new HashMap<String, String>();
fields.put("FIRST.NAME", "fname");
fields.put("LAST.NAME", "lname");
// Note that there are several ways to specify
// which fields you wish to retrieve; see
// UniDataConnection#getFields

List<FieldSet> sets = ud.getFields("PERSON", fields);
if(sets == null)
    System.out.println("No data returned.");

Iterator<FieldSet> iter = sets.iterator();
    // A FieldSet contains information regarding the field name,
    // the friendly field name we used (if any), and the
    // data contained within the field.
    // Each row is turned into a FieldSet, and each FieldSet contains a number
    // of Fields (based on the second parameter to getFields).
    FieldSet set = iter.next();
    System.out.println("First Name: " + set.getFieldByFriendlyName("fname").getData());
    System.out.println("Last Name: " + set.getFieldByName("LAST.NAME").getData());