Home > Juicee


Juicee is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Bookmarking web application for Ruby on Rails course.

Welcome to Juicee!

Author: Bryan Lor


The course project will be a clone of del.icio.us. Your project will be a multi-user bookmark storing and sharing web site. I call it pal.atab.le because we will probably not quite get all the way to all the functionality of del.icio.us. The one thing that we will add that is not a part of del.icio.us will be image uploading in some manner.

Here are the required elements of iteration 0. (20 points)

Create a new rails application, name it something sort of applicable to a bookmark storage and sharing site.

Create a git repository for your new project

Add the repository to your Github account. (1 pt)

Create a controller for the bookmarks section of the site. (2 pts)

Create a model for the bookmarks (2 pts) Your bookmarks should have the following properties -URL, Name, Date Saved

Add validations for the URL and Name fields (3 pts) -URL: must be present, must be at least 10 characters long -Name: must be present, must be shorter than 100 characters

Add an application layout based on an OSS design. Add all necessary images, css, and javascript to the project. (1 pt)

Create a view that allows users to enter a bookmark. (2 pts)

Create a view and partials that show a list of all bookmarks. (2 pts)

Add menu items to your navigation menu for showing both of the bookmark views. (1 pt)

Create actions in your controller to set up and process the views. (3 pts)

Create tests for your pages and validations (3 pts)

Commit your iteration to your GitHub repository.

Publish your project on Heroku
