Home > julienTooltip


JulienTooltip is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and COFFEESCRIPT, it's free.

a simple jQuery tooltip plugin coded with CoffeeScript

h1. Julien Tooltip

jquery.julienTooltip is a jQuery plugin to attach tooltips to your DOM elements. The Javascript is coded with CoffeeScript.

h2. Install

  1. In your @@, make sure you included jquery.julienTooltip.css and jquery.julienTooltip.js (, and don't forget jQuery!)

  2. In your HTML, put this kind of code: @

    Click here to see my tooltip!
    This is a Tooltip.

  3. And in you javascript, add this code:

        location: 'right'

h2. Contribute

  1. Fork it

  2. "Watch" the jquery.julienTooltip.coffee file by issuing this command in the julienTooltip directory : coffee -wbc -o js/ coffeescript/*.coffee (you must have CoffeeScript installed) . This will look for modifications on the .coffee file and compile to the javascript file automatically.

  3. Send me your pull requests.