Home > jurtris


Jurtris is a project mainly written in C++ and C, it's free.

Jurtris source code

Jurtris is a game made for Dingux.

Credits: Johnny 'Jurting' Enbuske -Programming and 'art'

zear -Game ideas -Porting -Being awesome

Made with SDL and SDL_mixer -www.libSDL.com

Changelog: 0.9.3 re-added sound effect Added music placeholder Added some simple GUI Fixed S piece being slightly off-center in the preview You can now access the options menu from the in-game pause menu (but it still don't save :P) Timer no longer counts while the game is paused Added option to remove sliding Added ghost piece, a 1x1 piece that you can use to fill holes Added alternative hold option, makes the next piece your holded piece, instead of exchanging them Added flares (Default X) Added option in config file to turn off music Fixed so the game correctly goes to the menu after loosing
