Home > JustYAML


JustYAML is a project mainly written in ..., based on the GPL-3.0 license.

A simple YAML library in Java.

//**// // // // JustYAML // // Copyright 2011 Daniel "codednetherland" Reimann // // // //**//

[purpose] This is a library to read and write YAML. At first there will be an implementation of version 1.2 and later 1.0 and 1.1 will follow.

[licence] This is licencend under GNU Lesser General Public Licence 3 or later. For further details please see the file COPING.LESSER.txt and COPING.txt shipped with this or alternatively you can look it up here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/

[version] Until the tag 1.0 there will occur major changes. Later on I want to only bugfix and implement new features till 2.0.

[tests] If somebody wants to make unit tests with JUnit or so I would really appreciate it. Maybe some time I will have enough time and make them.