Home > JVMTests


JVMTests is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Java class files to test the JVM project in Emery's systems seminar.

The classes currently here group in some different tests:

  1. ATMain - tests array construction
  2. Ack - Ackerman function (Alexandre can't run it much)
  3. AnException, AnotherException, Catcher1 - simple exception handling
  4. Animal, Cat, Dog, PCat ??
  5. World, ClassA - static methods
  6. Hello - factorial and hello world
  7. Writer, HelloWriter, WorldWriter, Printer, Caller - abstract class
  8. ModTest - % operator
  9. Switcher - Switch
  10. Switcher2 - odder Switch
  11. Test1 - factorial
  12. Test2 - Function calls and fields
  13. TestStatic - initialization of static fields
  14. Vehicle, FlyingVehicle, Car, Garage, Plane - interfaces