Home > kaboomp3


Kaboomp3 is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the View license.

A tool with a pretty interface that helps you organize your library of MP3 music files according to your tastes.


kaBoomp3 is a very simple tool that organizes your music library according to some options you can customize. For example, you can arrange your music directory to look something like this:


One very good use of kaBoomp3 is in sharing iPods; if you "rip", or copy the music contents of an iPod, they will be named cryptically, however, by allowing the application to organize it, you will have a tidy music library of your iPod music!

You're gonna blow my files up?

Well, contrary to what the name might imply, kaBoomp3 is very safe in running its business; it will show you a preview of all the changes before committing them. Only if you approve of the changes will it process your library.

What kind of music files can you organize?

Currently, supported music file formats are:

  • .mp3

Installing & Running

I plan to package the application and all its dependencies into a portable executable, which will include the Ruby interpreter, to save you the hassle of building the necessary dependencies. However, if for some reason you have/want to run it off the repository, here's what you need:

  • Qt 4.6.3 development libraries
  • qtruby gem (or qtbindings)
  • id3lib-ruby gem
  • active_record gem (will be removed in a later build)
  • sqlite3-ruby gem


  • add support for parsing other audio codecs
  • add a "Super/Sub Genres" sorting field, ie: Heavy Metal and Gothic Metal genres would fall under Metal genre
  • offer levels of organizing:
    • light: does not modify filenames or tags, only moves files around
    • normal: obeys user sorting preferences, renames known files and moves them according to their id3 tag
    • aggressive: attempts to correctly fill in missing id3 fields

Known Issues

  • corrupt MP3 files will cause the program to HANG; currently there's no workaround, as there is no way to validate a file for corruption and the parser gem (id3lib) does not crash or throw any exception, it just hangs indefinitely
  • UI: message box dialogues are confined to a small area