Home > KartMob


KartMob is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Install MSysGit

Install Putty

Install TortoiseGit

Use PuttyGen to generate a public/private key pair. Save the private key to a file.

Open Paegent (PuTTy authentication agent) and add the private key.

Create a GitHub account

Add a public key in your account settings

Right click in any folder and select TortoiseGit -> Settings. Then in Git -> config you set your name and emailaddress, the one you used to create your Github account.

Create a folder for local repository

Right click and select TortoiseGit -> Git create a repository. Confirmation message appears saying the repository has been initiated.

Go to the GitHub account and add a collaborator. Each collaborator needs to have an account in GitHub.
