Home > keypath.js


Keypath.js is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the MIT license.

Look up a nested property in an object using a keypath string


A very simple function for looking up a value in an object using a keypath string.

Often useful when working with large objects such as JSON data returned from a server as it allows quick navigation to only the required information.

keypath(object, keypath [, fallback [, prototype ]])


object    - An Object to query.
path      - A dot sepeated keypath eg. 'artist.album.name'
fallback  - An optional fallback value to return.
prototype - Boolean, if true keypath will traverse the prototype chain.


Returns the queried keypath if found. Otherwise returns null unless a fallback parameter is provided.


var data = {
  tracks: [
    name: 'Michelle',
    url: 'http://www.last.fm/music/The+Beatles/Rubber+Soul/Michelle',
    album: {
      name: 'Rubber Soul'
      url: 'http://www.last.fm/music/The+Beatles/Rubber+Soul'
      tracks: 12
    artist: {
      name: 'The Beatles',
      url: 'http://www.last.fm/music/The+Beatles'

keypath(data, 'tracks.0.artist.name');
//=> 'The Beatles'

keypath(data, 'tracks.0.duration');
//=> null

keypath(data, 'tracks.0.duration', '2.42');
//=> '2.42'

To use with node.js:

var keypath = require('keypath');
keypath(data, 'tracks.0.duration');

To use with AMD loader (such as curl.js or require.js):

require(['keypath'], function (keypath) {
  var keypath = require('keypath');
  keypath(data, 'tracks.0.duration');


Public: Restores the previous "keypath" property on the current scope and returns the function. Use this to redefine the function in a different namespace, for example to add the function as a jQuery plugin.


Returns the keypath() Function.

jQuery.keypath = keypath.noConflict();
jQuery.keypath(data, 'tracks.0.duration');


Released under the MIT license
