Home > git-mount


Git-mount is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Mount a branch/repo


Mount a repo/branch

Example use case

For a Python project on GitHub where we want the generated documentation to be saved under GitHub Pages

# Mount the GitHub pages branch to build/html
# so that our documentation genrated by sphinx
# goes in the right place
git mount --pages build/html
# Generate our Sphinx docs
make html
# Future ideas ?
# Make it easy to commit and push documentation
# on the mounted branch
git mount --commit 'Updated documentation'
git mount --push


Usage: git-mount [options] local/path
    -f, --force                      Force mount
    -v, --verbose
    -p, --pages                      Mount GitHub pages
    -w, --wiki                       Mount GitHub wiki
    -b, --branch [BRANCH]            Branch name
    -r, --repo [REPO]                External Repo
    -n, --dryrun                     Dry Run
    -h, --help                       Show this message